Hydrogen Car Conversion For Hydrogen GeneratorsWe Know Hydrogen Car Conversions Work
It Has Been Proven Over And Over There Are Only 2 Things You Need To Start Saving Money On Gas With A HHO Generators
1 - A Generator That Produces It Efficiently 2 - Adjustments To Your Vehicle's Computer (if your vehicle has one) The vast majority of fuel injected engines using hydrogen on demand systems without any Enhancement installed, will not see large increases in miles per gallon. There are 2 simple reasons for this; The hydrogen generator produces HHO gas, also known as Brown's gas. HHO gas is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, the extra oxygen is being detected by different sensors on your vehicle. What Does An ECU, ECM or ECC Do?
![]() A Lot! It is constantly checking sensors, adjusting settings, and sorting information. Most of the newer vehicles have an ECU, electronic control unit or ECM, electronic control module. Typically with vehicles 1996 and newer you will see a computer on your vehicle, however some prior to 1996 do also. Any fuel injected engine will have to be manipulated to see gains with a hydrogen generator. Don't let that detour you, we carry enhancers to get you where you need to be with your hydrogen car conversion Why We Need To Control The Vehicle's Computer (ECC, ECM or ECU and Hydrogen)Your vehicle's computer will try to compensate for the reduced amount of unburned hydrocarbons and increasing oxygen that it will see after the combustion efficiency is enhanced when we add HHO gas. It will try to compensate by adding more fuel, thus interrupting your fuel savings. This is why a hydrogen car conversion is essential.
1. HHO Chip 2. MAF or MAP Sensor Enhancer 3. EFIE 4. MAF or MAP Sensor Enhancer and EFIE Our Input On EnhancementThe easiest hydrogen car conversion, as far as installation is the HHO Chip. Feedback within this industry tells us the success rate is about 85%. It is a plug it in and forget it way to go. You should see about a 30 - 40 percent gain in miles per gallon. Whether you install just a MAF or MAP sensor enhancer or just an EFIE or both, changes with every vehicle. A lot of people may start with one of the 2 and then add the second. This is a somewhat of a mystery in the HHO world and has been the biggest draw back for hydrogen on demand, that and the bad name this industry sometimes gets because of sellers not being truthful about the efficiency of their systems, thus giving hydrogen on demand a bad name. We will say though, that if you dial an EFIE in correctly and install the MAF of MAP sensor enhancer, this is where we see the biggest miles per gallon increase from our customers. Some doubling their in MPG. You should see a 20% gain over the HHO chip. But, with that said, it doesn't always work on every vehicle. The choice is yours, we report - you decide. Our expert opinion is to go with the HHO Chip. If you have a question on hydrogen car conversion or any other hydrogen on demand question please click here to ask your HHO gas question. HHO Chip![]() AN HHO chip is specifically programmed for your specific vehicle and plugs right into you vehicle's computer (usually under your steering column). MAF or MAP Sensor Enhancers![]() MAP sensors (manifold absolute pressure) and or MAF sensors (mass air flow) these can be controlled by a Dual Edge MAP Sensor Enhancer. EFIE for O2 Sensors![]() Auto Oxygen sensors will also detect the extra oxygen and heat changes, telling your
computer to dump more fuel to compensate. The oxygen sensors can be controlled to modify your cars computer
with an EFIE (Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer).
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