Why Would There Be Extra Oxygen?

by Chris
(Clinton Township, MI, USA)

I have been doing a little research on HHO and I keep wondering how there is extra Oxygen. If water is 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen and it is burned, wouldn't it consume the same oxygen and hydrogen? I am very new to this whole idea. It was introduced to me by a teacher in my auto transmission class, who swears by it. I myself am a little skeptical, although I want to believe it works - I here a lot both ways and am a little on the too good to be true side. I am a mechanic (for 15yrs) and I understand the concept but am having a hard time not listening to the naysayers. Please help me understand the whole system a little better and how the naysayers say that the energy it takes to break apart the water is more the the energy gained by the burning of the HHO.


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Response From
by: Hydrogen-Generators-USA.com

Hi Chris,

"If water is 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen and it is burned, wouldn't it consume the same oxygen and hydrogen?

Your converting water into hydrogen which is mixed with 1 part oxygen and 2 parts hydrogen. 1 molecule of water equals 10,000 parts of hydrogen 1/3 of that mixture is going to be oxygen - 10,000 divided by .33 equals 3,300 parts of oxygen. The sensors in your vehicle will detect the extra oxygen.

...the naysayers say that the energy it takes to break apart the water is more than the energy gained by the burning of the HHO.

That is true but we are not just running it on the HHO gas that we are creating. We are supplementing not replacing the fossil fuel.

The naysayers have probably not addressed their computer correctly or have bought a system that is not efficient. Tell the naysayers to prove it doesn't work, instead of proving that it does. It has already been proven many times hydrogen on demand works.

If you haven't already please read more about
hydrogen electrolysis.

Also hydrogen car conversion.

Thank you for sharing your questions.

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