Why Would There Be Extra Oxygen?
by Chris
I have been doing a little research on HHO and I keep wondering how there is extra Oxygen. If water is 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen and it is burned, wouldn't it consume the same oxygen and hydrogen? I am very new to this whole idea. It was introduced to me by a teacher in my auto transmission class, who swears by it. I myself am a little skeptical, although I want to believe it works - I here a lot both ways and am a little on the too good to be true side. I am a mechanic (for 15yrs) and I understand the concept but am having a hard time not listening to the naysayers. Please help me understand the whole system a little better and how the naysayers say that the energy it takes to break apart the water is more the the energy gained by the burning of the HHO. Thanks.
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